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House Agriculture Committee Welcomes Farm Bill Input from Texas Producers

San Angelo, Texas – Today, House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11), Ranking Member Collin Peterson (MN-7) and members of the committee, hosted a farm bill listening session, “Conversations in the Field,” at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. Following the listening session, Chairman Conaway and Ranking Member Peterson made the below remarks:

“Agriculture is the lifeblood of Texas, and the stories we heard from farmers and ranchers today strike at the heart of why we have a farm bill. The farm bill underpins the entire rural economy – an economy that has been under tremendous strain over the past four years. Improving economic conditions in farm country is instrumental in ensuring that Americans continue to enjoy the safest, most abundant and most affordable food and fiber supply in the world. I appreciated hearing from Texas farmers and ranchers today, and I am eager to take their input back to Washington as we continue crafting the next farm bill,” said Chairman Conaway.

“It was great to be in Texas with Chairman Conaway to hear directly from the region’s farmers and ranchers on what is, and maybe isn’t working, in the current farm bill. The Committee can use the input we gathered today when we go back to Washington to write a new bill. I thank everyone who took the time to come out and share their opinions,” said Ranking Member Peterson.

More information on the listening session including the archived video can be viewed here