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#FARMBILLFRIDAY: Rep. Steve King. (IA-4)

In this week's #FarmBillFriday, Rep. Steven King (IA-4) emphasizes that family farms and the products they produce are the foundation of his congressional district.

"This is the 2017 crop, let’s get her done before the 2018 crop."

Rep. King said [in part]:
We raise a lot of corn here, a lot of soybeans here, and a lot of eggs, and turkeys, and hogs, and cattle. That’s the foundation of the agriculture district that I represent. We’re covered with family farms and a deep tradition going back to the sod that was turned over first by the pioneers that came here in covered wagons.

As I travel around this district, we’ve been picking up advice at ag advisory committee meetings all over these 39 counties. They’ve given us good advice, and I’m sharing that advice right now with other members on the Ag Committee, and of course our staff, which does a great job. We’ll be working together to produce a good Farm Bill, and I want to see that out on time if we can, get something to the president’s desk about 2018, before the next harvest. This is the 2017 crop, let’s get her done before the 2018 crop.

CLICK above to watch full remarks.