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#FARMBILLFRIDAY: Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-1)

In this week's #FarmBillFriday, Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-1) underlines the correlation between strong food security and national security. The farm bill plays a critical role in ensuring the American's have the safest, most abundant and affordable food supply in the world

"The investment that we make in production agriculture it returns to us in so many ways but mostly in a secure nation."

Rep. Crawford said [in part]:
I represent Arkansas’ 1st congressional district, and my district is home to about 50% of the American rice crop. So, the farm bill is important to me, it’s important to my district, and it’s an easy sell at home. So, we can talk about the farm bill in some great detail at home and people understand it, but for folks outside of our district, I think people need to understand how important it is from a national security perspective.

Food security is so important to our national security. So, the investment that we make in production agriculture it returns to us in so many ways but mostly in a secure nation. So, food security is imperative to national security and I think that’s what’s so important about the farm bill.