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**VIDEO RELEASE** It's Time to Stand with Rural America and SNAP Recipients

The House Agriculture Committee has paved the groundwork for a strong 2018 Farm Bill that benefits all Americans. It is time to stand with rural America and SNAP recipients and pass H.R. 2.

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Chairman Conaway video transcript:
I need 218 votes. I don't care if they are Republican votes or Democrat votes, I need 218 votes. When it goes to red and green on the [house] Floor, it doesn't say Republicans or Democrats. It just says I am for production agriculture. I am for these SNAP families out there who deserve a better way forward in their lives, they deserve an opportunity or break that cycle of poverty. I am for giving assurances and certainty to an ag community that has suffered a 50 percent drop in net farm income over the last 5 years, or I'm against all that.