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Thompson Slams Passage of Democrats’ Reckless Tax-and-Spend Legislation

Today, House Democrats passed H.R. 5376, a disingenuous and partisan exercise that lacked robust debate and hearings and does nothing to provide relief to rural America. Following the vote, Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15), Republican Leader of the House Agriculture Committee, issued the statement below:

"America’s farm families and consumers are continuing to grapple with an economic recession, yet today Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats jammed through another reckless tax-and-spend package.  

"My Democrat colleagues are either politically deaf or blinded by ideology as they ignore 40-year high inflation, exorbitant food and fertilizer prices, severe labor shortages, and relentless overregulation from the Biden Administration, and instead voted to advance another fiscally irresponsible, partisan bill.

"As I’ve said, this bill only complicates the pathway to a Farm Bill and creates even greater uncertainty for farmers, ranchers, and rural communities."
