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Closing the Gap Between Welfare and Work

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Florida Daily By Rep.Ted Yoho (FL-3), member of the House Agriculture Committee Recently, there have been a variety of stories in the news reflecting extensive fraud and abuse of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps). In New Jersey alone, a grocery store employee admitted he took part in a $1.9 million SNAP fraud scheme, and separately, a couple admitt...

Opening Statement: Ranking Member Neal Dunn Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Public Hearing: “Increasing Resiliency, Mitigating Risk: Examining the Research and Extension Needs of Producers”

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Remarks as prepared for delivery: Thank you, Chair Plaskett. Farmers and ranchers are some of the most resilient people that I know, and thanks to our nation’s agricultural research and extension system, they remain at the forefront of innovation and productivity. As we look forward, there are consistently new threats developing and producers will need new tools in order to adapt to changing condi...

Dunn: Ag Innovation Increases Efficiency and Adaptability Needed to Address Emerging Threats

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Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Agriculture Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Subcommittee held a hearing to examine the research and extension needs of producers. After the hearing, Subcommittee Ranking Member Neal Dunn (FL-2) made the following remarks: “As producers face increasing threats from multiple risks, the need for a strong and robust agricultural research and extension syst...

Conaway Praises White House Executive Order on Agricultural Biotechnology

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Washington, D.C. - House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) issued the following statement after President Trump signed the Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products Executive Order: “Farmers, ranchers and consumers all stand to benefit from a regulatory process that provides certainty, predictability and transparency. I commend Presi...

Opening Statement: Ranking Member David Rouzer Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture Public Hearing: “The State of U.S. Agricultural Products in International Markets”

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Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning. Thank you to Chairman Costa for holding this hearing and to all of you for joining us here today, especially our two distinguished witnesses. I doubt that anyone in this room needs to be reminded that trade is of incredible consequence to American agriculture. From the hog farmer in North Carolina to the almond grower in California…from the wheat far...

Rouzer, Conaway: Approval of USMCA Critically Important to American Agriculture

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Washington, D.C. - Today, the House Agriculture Livestock and Foreign Agriculture Subcommittee held a hearing to review the state of U.S. agricultural products in international markets. After the hearing, Subcommittee Ranking Member David Rouzer (NC-7) and Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) made the following remarks: “USMCA is a no-brainer for American agriculture. If the Interna...

Opening Statement: Ranking Member Neal Dunn Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Public Hearing: “Examining the Impacts of Relocating USDA Research Agencies on Agriculture Research”

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Thank you, Chairwoman Plaskett. This subcommittee has jurisdiction over biotechnology, pesticide regulation, and plant pest and disease programs – all policy areas that will have a profound impact on the future of American agriculture. While I’m excited the subcommittee is holding its first hearing, it absolutely baffles me that our first topic is USDA office relo...

Dunn, Conaway: Relocation Discussion is a Distraction from Important Ag Issues

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Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Agriculture Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Subcommittee held a hearing to examine the impacts of relocating USDA research agencies. After the hearing, Subcommittee Ranking Member Neal Dunn (FL-2) and Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) made the following remarks: “Secretary Perdue has enacted a culture of customer service and efficienc...

Conaway Commends President for Standing by Farmers, Ranchers

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Washington, D.C. — House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) issued the following statement concerning the president’s announcement of $16 billion in aid to help farmers and ranchers weather unjustified retaliatory foreign tariffs: "I commend President Trump for standing up for our nation’s farmers and ranchers who are struggling against six straight years of economic r...

House Agriculture Committee Leadership Statement on the Passing of Dallas Tonsager

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Washington, D.C. – House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin C. Peterson of Minnesota and Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway of Texas issued the following joint statement on the passing of Farm Credit Administration Chairman and former USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development Dallas Tonsager, who died Tuesday evening at age 64. “I am very sorry to hear of Dallas’ passing. My thoughts are with h...