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Opening Statement: Conaway Offers Remarks on the 2018 Farm Bill Before House Rules Committee

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Washington, D.C. – Today, House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway offered the below remarks before the House Rules Committee regarding the 2018 Farm Bill, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act (H.R.2): Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member McGovern, and members of the committee. I appreciate the opportunity to come before you today concerning the farm bill. H.R. 2—the Agriculture & N...

**VIDEO RELEASE** The Crop Insurance System is Working

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Crop insurance is working. Take it from the farmers and ranchers who use crop insurance to manage the risks of modern agriculture. But cuts to the program in the form of subsidy caps, Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) means testing and the elimination of the harvest price option will kill the crop insurance program. Help us preserve this critical component of the farm safety net and oppose changes to cr...

Everyone agrees SNAP is failing the poor. Who's going to fix it?

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Washington Examiner By Mattie Duppler, President, Forward Strategies and Visiting Fellow, Independent Women's Forum The House of Representatives is expected to take up the 2018 Farm Bill this week, one of the outstanding big ticket items Congress must contemplate before the end of the year. A curious Beltway quirk is that the farm bill has actually very little to do with farming. In fact, an overw...

**VIDEO RELEASE** Farm Bill: House Ag Highlights How Work Helps Lift SNAP Recipients Out of Poverty

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House Agriculture Committee members highlight the important provisions included in the 2018 Farm Bill, Agriculture and Nutrition Act (H.R. 2), dedicated to helping work-capable SNAP recipients find work or access skills and job training needed to improve their futures. Video transcript below. Share on Twitter and Facebook Click to view online Video transcript: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA-6): Well the S...

Conaway Commends Trump Administration for Challenging India’s Illegal Farm Subsidies, Calls on Congress to Pass Farm Bill

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Washington, D.C.- House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11), issued the following statement concerning the Trump administration’s actions to hold India accountable to its commitments under the World Trade Organization: “India has been funneling illegal farm subsidies into its agriculture industry for too long, and it’s high time they are held accountable. I commend the Trump ...

These historic investments in nutrition assistance will change lives

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Penn Live By Vice Chairman, Nutrition Subcommittee Chairman Glenn 'GT' Thompson (PA-5) When my wife, Penny, and I were just starting out in the early 1980s, like many young couples, we struggled to make ends meet. I was working full-time with individuals who were facing life-changing disease and disability on an annual salary of less than $9,000. When Penny was an expectant mother, we relied upon ...

Chairman Conaway Delivers Remarks at AEI on SNAP

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This morning, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway (TX-11) discussed the proposed improvements to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) within the Agriculture and Nutrition Act (H.R. 2) at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Video and comments from Chairman Conaway below: Chairman Conaway's opening remarks: Well thanks everybody. Robert, thanks for having me this m...

#FARMBILLFRIDAY: Rep. Chris Collins (NY-27) Feat. USDA Undersecretary Greg Ibach

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In this week's #FarmBillFriday, Rep. Chris Collins (NY-27) visits the Rudgers Dairy Farm and is joined by USDA Undersecretary Greg Ibach and local New York dairy farmer, Lyman Rudgers, where they discuss the challenges of the current dairy industry and opportunities available to aid beginning farmers in their quest to be successful. "We need to do everything we can to support the next generation c...

Let’s Update the Farm Bill to Help Lift Americans Out of Poverty

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Black Press USA By Harry Alford, President and CEO National Black Chamber of Commerce, and Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11), House Agriculture Committee Chairman From 2012 to 2015 African American-owned businesses across the U.S. grew from 1.9 million to 2.6 million. As the economy continues growing, these numbers are only expected to increase, but our nation’s Black businesses face a host of challenges...

**VIDEO RELEASE** Farmers Across the Nation Agree—Crop Insurance is Essential

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Last year, the House Agriculture Committee traveled across the country gathering input from farmers, ranchers and stakeholders ahead of the farm bill. Among the comments, one message was clear – we must maintain a strong crop insurance program. The 2018 Farm Bill, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act (H.R. 2), maintains and strengthens the farm safety net and crop insurance program to ensure America'...